Inspired by some wonderful Japanese ceramic trays I had seen years ago, I decided to make these sweet serving trays as a class demonstration last week. I began by rolling out slabs and extruding a variety of coils. I textured the slabs with some stamps I had made and then cut out the various shapes I wanted the trays to be. I added the extruded coils to the perimeter of the slabs to create the edges of each tray. One trick I showed my students was how to cut a round coil in half by placing two strips of wood half the thickness of the coil on either side of the coil and then resting a wire cutter on the wood and cutting through the coil lengthwise (see picture). This will give you a half-round coil which can be used for an interesting edge. On one of the trays I curled a flat extrusion to create handles, scoring them onto each side of the tray. By weeks end, I completed a variety of trays and now I'm thinking of making sets that fit in one may see those pear shaped trays in sets of 2 or 3!!
Again thanks to Norma for taking great pics of each step!